Category Archives: Definitions

What’s startupware?(tm)
The source for all definitions of startupware.

Windows 10 Preview is Available, and What 8 Should Have Been. So Far…

Windows 10 Menu

The preview of Windows 10 is available for download now from The standard reminder applies–this is for testing. It’s a beta operating system, with all the “We will not be blamed if you lose it.” that implies. The real thing isn’t this, and the shipping date isn’t announced yet.

After only a quick install and some exploring, this looks like what a hybrid interface should have been. The interface-formerly-known-as-Metro, or ‘live tiles’, or the ‘modern desktop’, hasn’t shown up at all. Apps are available from the desktop, and sizable, and they don’t break if your local sign-in to the computer was a local account–you can sign into them with a Microsoft account individually.

So far, so good.

Oops. AVG is Offline; Software Design Example for Today

Here’s a screen capture of bad software design–sometimes you just can’t go online to find out why you’re offline.

AVG error and bad software design example

OK, if the Internet is down, it’s down. It’s not down for a program, and up for the online help files. OK, I get it–online help files, as part of software design, are easy for a software publisher to update, and there’s value in that. But down is down, and bad planning is bad planning.