Creator’s Update Settings: SmartScreen

New SmartScreen Setting

In the new Creator’s Update for Windows 10, SmartScreen has finally been made less horrible. The old settings were:

  • Off-Let all software run.
  • On-All new software from all sources is evil by definition. It’s not Microsoft, in any case. Delete with no option or recourse. (Or the anti-competitive restraint of trade equivalent.)

The NEW options, now moved into the ‘Windows Defender Security Center’, are no longer blatantly big brother:

  • On-Block the new and different.
  • Warn-Slow down and read the message before deciding.
  • Off–Scary, scary.

OK, I may have changed the descriptions. A lot. But clearly, SmartScreen should be ON for novice users and corporations with a “no software installs” policy, and WARN for users who know WHERE they are and WHAT they’re doing.

Note that the new setting appears TWICE, once as ‘Check apps and files’ for Internet Explorer, and as ‘SmarScreen for Microsoft Edge’. Minus 5 points for inconsistent naming and spreading confusion, but still an improvement.

Good Riddance, Vista

Windows Vista, RIP April 11th, 2017

Windows Vista reaches the end of “extended” support on April 11th, 2017. It couldn’t be too soon.

The end of ‘Extended Support’ means there will be no more security patches, and no online technical assistance from Microsoft after April 11th. Existing support pages will still be available online, but will no longer be updated. Google Chrome ended support for Vista back on April 1st, 2016. If Microsoft follows the pattern of Windows XP, phone activation for re-installs will only be available from the automated system, and not from an actual human on the phone.

If you are still running any Vista-based computers, it’s time to upgrade them, retire them or disconnect them from the Internet. Most computers that shipped with Vista can run Windows 7 faster, and many can run Windows 10. (Call any local tech for help identifying if any particular system is worth an upgrade.) And if there are still any Windows XP machines out there, it’s time to melt them down. Secure erasure and safe recycling is free for my customers.

Microsoft Office 2007

Microsoft Office 2007 will reach the end of extended support October 10th of 2017. If you’re running Outlook 2007, plan ahead. Running an unpatched email program isn’t safe. Now is a good time to switch to Thunderbird, or upgrade to Office 2016.

Calendar maintains a short list of the end-of-life dates of the most popular software products, here.

Taming Windows 10: Turn off Advertising in the Lock Screen

A reprint from the PC410 Security Newsletter:

Advertising and Fun Facts on the lock screen

The lock screen is that first photo that Windows shows on startup, with the login prompt. It shows advertising occasionally, usually for Microsoft Games, and suggests a visit to the Microsoft store, or asks odd questions. That’s an odd location for any of that; they probably got the idea from the Amazon “Kindle with Special Offers”, which does something similar.

To turn off these annoyances, go to Settings, Personalization, Lock Screen, and change the top item, to either Picture or Slideshow. “Windows spotlight” is the setting that shows ads. After making that change, set “Get fun facts, tips, tricks, and more on your lock screen” to Off. Important: This setting is reset by installing some of the larger Windows 10 updates, so re-apply as needed. Bad news if you aren’t running the ‘Pro’ version of Windows: Not all settings of this type are available for ‘home’ users.