Reno Travel Notes for ISVCon 2012

It’s travel-planning time for ISVCon 2012. For those of us who prefer to have either printable maps and guides, or the smart-phone downloadable equivalents, here are some links for getting from Reno International Airport to the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa and the downtown area.

Atlantis Casino Resort Spa direct phone:

Reno Hotel Shuttle Schedule
The shuttle to Atlantis is located outside baggage door ‘D’, and pickup is at 15 minutes before and after each hour, 5:15am to 11:45pm.

Reno International Airport has free WIFI. Details here:

RNO terminal map:

Once you’re at ISVCon at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, there is an RTC bus stop outside the hotel. Go North for downtown, get off at the Transit Center, and walk 2 blocks west (towards the Sierra Nevada mountains, frequently visible, or towards the big buildings) for the downtown area. Bus fare is $2. For the ‘Rapid’ bus to downtown (express run, fewer stops), there’s a stop just south of Atlantis, by the Convention Center.

Reno bus transportation information is here:

RTC CONNECT: map of route and downtown Reno

Map of Meadowwood Mall:

Vist Reno Tahoe (Reno-Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority (RSCVA))

Jerry Stern is webmaster at and

ISVCon is Coming Soon. Here’s a Deal.

The NEW Software Industry Conference, newly re-branded as ISVCon by the ASP, will be in Reno, Nevada July 13 to 15. This is the best conference to attend to learn how to market software, to meet service providers, and to find out what other ISVs, or Independent Software Vendors, are doing to expand their businesses.

Here’s a deal for the conference, to tell them I sent you: Use code JS2012 for 10% off registration. Sign up for the conference at

Jerry Stern
Editor, ASPects, Newsletter of the Association of Software Professionals

Nuclear Duct Tape…

Sometimes you have to read the reviews to really, really appreciate all the uses for a product. This NUCLEAR duct tape at Amazon is just one of those products. Whether you’re sealing cracks in a reactor core or fixing your type 40 Tardis, you’ll just find these product reviews really special…

Jerry Stern is webmaster at and